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PENETRANT PLUS Heavy Duty Penetrating Oil

PENETRANT PLUS is a multifaceted product that displaces moisture, penetrates, lubricates, helps prevent corrosion, cleans and protects surfaces.    PENETRANT PLUS uses a forceful jet spray along with a powerful penetrating catalyst to help provide rapid penetration through rust and corrosion to free frozen parts.  The lubricating oil in PENETRANT PLUS leaves a film that reduces friction, stops squeaks, and frees sticking parts.  PENETRANT PLUS stops electrical gear, metal, and other surfaces from deterioration due to harsh environments as well as decreases wear over a broad temperature range.  PENETRANT PLUS saves downtime and costly repairs while keeping parts and equipment running longer and more efficiently.  


  • Forceful jet spray

  • Quick penetrating

  • Non Flammable

  • Long-lasting lubricating film

  • Special additives in formulation for harsh environment




  • Aids in penetrating power

  • Saves down time

  • Safe for personnel to use

  • Reduces friction and wear

  • Defends against rust and corrosion

  • Will hold up under extreme use and/or high temperature


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Contract #: GS-21F-030BA
Contract #: GS-07F-008DA
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